Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keyhole surgery good in colourectal cancer

Keyhole and open surgery for colourectal cancer both have proven benefits but the fastest time recovery appears to be coming from enhanced recovery after surgery programs, researchers say.

Laparoscopic, or keyhole, surgery has been the gold standard for gall bladder operations for a few decades but it has had a slower uptake in colourectal treatment, a study says.

Researchers analysed data on elective resections for colourectal cancer from 2000 to 2008 and noticed a rise in laparoscopic surgery from about 2.4 per cent to 27.5 per cent in Australia.

Lead author of the study published in the Medical Journal of Australia, Bridie Thompson of The University of Queensland, says that for rectal cancer, the increase was from 1.1 per cent to 21.5 per cent during that time.

"Impetus for the increased uptake of laparoscopic surgery for CRC comes not just from good quality evidence from randomised trials and recommendations by medical bodies, but also from the positive experiences of surgeons and their patients in everyday clinical practice," Ms Thompson said.

Commenting on the study, Associate Professor Ned Abraham of the University of New South Wales, said the short-term advantages of keyhole surgery for colourectal cancer had proven benefits but they were marginal.

People contemplating surgery should note that keyhole and open surgery both have benefits, keyhole more for older patients, he said.

"The message would be it doesn't really matter how the surgery is done, as long as it is done properly, whether it is laparoscopic or open," Prof Abraham said.

He suggested a multi-modal approach to rehabilitation, such as the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery programs, may produce more clinical benefits for patients and cost benefits for hospitals.

They begin before surgery and to optimise all aspects of care and studies show fast recovery times with both open and keyhole surgery.

Whether the laparoscopic approach could add to the benefits of a multi-modal approach has not been established, he said.

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